The Protect Duty App - Action Cards And Training
Give security staff instant access to knowledge for real-time response to serious security and terrorist threats.
The Protect Duty app is a free library of action cards for countering terrorist threats on your venue. Each action card contains practical information your venue and security staff need to safely resolve a terrorist attack.
If any good can come out of the murder of 22 innocent young lives at least Martyn’s Law (named after Martyn Hett who was tragically murdered in a terrorist attack in Manchester in 2017) now known as the ‘Protect Duty’ might just do that & save lives in the future should terrorists strike.
So what is the ‘Protect Duty’ and what are the implications for you? And who is it likely to apply to?

The Government considers that the owners and operators of public venues and large organisations should be required to:
Carry out a Terrorism threat & risk assessment at locations they own or operate
Take ‘reasonably practicable’ protective security and organisational preparedness measures to reduce the threat. If you think of this as similar to a Health & Safety risk assessment then you should mitigate the risks. For example staff training, developing a strategy that ensures you have assessed your site and its uses and include suitable mitigation measures
Develop a robust plan on how to deal with or act as a result of a terrorist attack.
For smaller organisations and venues, this would involve simple low-cost measures, such as:
Staff training of threats, identifying hostile reconnaissance, likely attack methods and importantly how they should respond
Practicing/exercising how you want staff to respond in the event of an attack.​

For starters you shouldn’t wait for legislation before protecting your staff, customers and business against terrorism.
IPPSO Ltd are specialists in Counter Terrorism for business. We offer the following services;
Counter Terrorism Security Threat, Risk and Vulnerability assessments. (This document will provide mitigation measures to reduce vulnerabilities)
Counter Terrorism training for management and all staff
Counter Terrorism Crisis Management simulations (a great way to identify vulnerabilities and to prepare staff)
Security culture awareness training for all staff
How to Lockdown/partial and fully evacuate your buildings
Development of search plans to find persons and items on your premises
Contact us for more information on the Protect Duty.
This is the course that could save your life!
Designed by the country's leading Counter Terrorism experts
to help you, your family and your business stay safe against terrorism
Terrorism Awareness Course

Security & Management Consultancy Specialising In Counter Terrorism
International Protect &Prepare Security Office

Accredited By CIISCM

The International Protect and Prepare Security Office is a Security and Management consultancy that offers bespoke and confidential strategic advice and practical solutions to UK and international clients. We are dedicated to serving National and local governments, corporations, governing bodies and the small and medium enterprise sector, on threat awareness and vulnerability reduction to terrorism and all other hazards. Our independence allows us to act in our client's interests.
With our unique knowledge base and expertise we are able to provide a bespoke service to our clients, enabling them to fully understand the wide and diverse threats they face in the current security and terrorism climate. We also work with our clients to deliver the most effective business continuity and emergency preparedness strategies
Company Background
IPPSO is built on 35 years of experience, ranging from command of international major sporting events, concerts as well as development and delivery of large sections of the United Kingdom’s Counter Terrorist strategy (CONTEST) .
Improving our clients business performance is IPPSO’s passion. We are able to deliver the following services
Training courses
Physical Security Audits
Penetration testing
Threat and Vulnerability assessments
Crisis Management exercises
Business Continuity Planning
Business introductions
Academic research


Security With A Smile. Helping Others To "keep em peeled"

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