This survey provides a detailed review of the premises. A highly skilled member of our team will visit the premises at a pre-arranged time. They will meet the Facilities manager/ security staff and conduct a review of the levels of security of the site.
The purpose of this review will be to
Examine threats to the building.
Identify good and poor practice.
Make independent and informed comment on the levels of security attained.
Risk assess the issues identified.
Provide a report with considered recommendations.
To complete these surveys we will employ trained staff, who are highly skilled in Crime/Counter terrorism. This service complements physical penetration testing, and can be carried out simultaneously.
Security Service Integrity Audits
From time to time it may be necessary to test the integrity of staff. In these instances it is important to act with the utmost sensitivity and without causing staff unnecessary concern. The purpose of the service industry is to ensure the highest levels of service, professionalism and integrity are maintained. This audit is a genuine test which helps to identify those who are supplying a good service and those staff who may be falling short of the required standards. We have identified a series of tests depending on circumstances.
Our programme of independent security integrity audits allow you to be content that your staff are working professionally. They are genuine tests of the professionalism, integrity and customer service they offer to customers.
The Auditor will have the choice of a number of scenarios, one of which they will play out to ensure the staff are acting in a way that brings credit on your business.
The tests will be short and done in a way that does not disrupt the normal running of the site.
A written report of the test and its results will be delivered to the nominated manager.
A regular programme of independent Security integrity audits will identify and reward staff who are performing at a good level and weed out those who may cause harm to your business.
A Personnel Risk Health Check
There are a number of indicators of whether a company is doing enough to ensure it understands and practices 'secure from the inside' good practice around personnel security risk. Our team will hold a meeting with staff who hold specific cross functional responsibilities. These will usually consist of a board member, a senior representative from the HR department, the security team and a trusted member of staff.
We will talk through the theory and practice of a secure inside business. The signs of a poor security will be discussed as we come to the situation free from any preconceptions. We will use our expertise of analysis of a wide range of enterprises and businesses that can bring a fresh perspective to the entire security issue.
A personnel risk health check will help organisations to understand the risks posed my employees, by:
• Conducting a personnel risk assessment in a way that balances pragmatism with rigour
• Prioritising the insider/people risks to an organisation
• Helping organisations make an informed decision on how best to mitigate the risks
The areas that the health check covers are:
• Senior level commitment & support
• Security governance, policy & procedures
• Awareness & communications strategies
• Security attitudes, behaviour and culture
• Personnel security & vetting
• Organisational & HR systems
Step 2. We will complete a report setting out our findings. This will include recommendations and will detail good practice as well as any areas for improvement.
We will provide you with a suggested action plan to help you ensure your people, Brand and assets are being protected from within.
By taking a risk-based approach and making informed decisions an organisation can take a more cost-effective approach to protection, using existing processes where possible and only investing when it makes business sense.