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The purpose of the guarding industry is to ensure the safety and security of the assets.


It is clear that not only should security staff be effective at identifying threats and risks to those assets but also be able to react in a professional manner. This audit is a genuine test of the skills of the security staff.


Using our in depth knowledge of the CPNI ‘professionalising the security workforce’ skill set we have identified a series of tests of the security team.


Our programme of independent security concierge audits, allow you to be content that your security staff are working professionally.


They are genuine tests of the professionalism of the security staff on duty at the time of the audit. Importantly we will focus on the quality of service they offer to the customers.


The Auditor will have the choice of a number of scenarios, one of which they will play out to the member of staff. This will include attempting to gain unauthorised entry to the site by presenting a false ID card, tailgating, acting as a courier or even a member of the utility or emergency services.


We will also have scenarios where a difficult customer requests assistance. All of these scenarios will be simple but effective in testing that the member of staff is performing in a way that brings credit on your business. The tests will be short and done in a way that does not disrupt the normal running of the site, and can be carried out simultaneously with physical penetration testing exercises.


A regular programme of independent Security concierge audits carried out without prior warning at any time of the day, night or weekend will result in a consistent improvement in the professionalism of the security team. Whenever a member of staff deals professionally with an incident the officer will be rewarded.


We suggest that a certificate is issued by IPPSO Ltd.


At the end of the audit the member of staff and their supervisors are contacted and informed of the test and its result.


Guards SIA numbers are checked and any necessary advice given. A short report of the test will then be written and delivered to your business.

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